The Grapevine 12-11-2021
From the Principal's desk
Week 6 already and half the term done. November is a busy time with final assessments being completed and reports written. It’s important for all students to attend school, especially in the coming weeks, as we capture end of year outcomes.
This week we welcome Mr Andre McDonald and family to the Robinvale College community. Andre is a new teacher to our team and has started supporting classes. At the end of the year we will say farewell to Mr Daryl McClure and Ms Linda Connell, as they change schools, wishing them the very best for the future.
COVID Safe settings have been adjusted following last week’s announcement, around vaccination requirements for parents and visitors. In short, parents and visitors are required to demonstrate vaccination to be onsite for any considerable amount of time, such as working/volunteering in the classroom or yard and attending meetings etc. Unvaccinated people can meet with staff via webex.
For any quick visits, such as dropping something off or picking up a student, vaccination status does not need to be demonstrated. The reception team are happy to guide you with this.
Speaking of vaccination, HealthCare Australia will be setting up a COVID vaccine clinic at the Robinvale College on Saturday the 20th of November, 9am to 4pm. The clinic will offer the Pfizer vaccine, and no appointment is necessary. You can express interest through the survey on COMPASS.
Congratulations to the year 12 students completing their final exams over the last two weeks. Our year 11 students will begin their exams next week. These students are expected to participate in normal classes for the week with the exams occurring in the classroom.
Following the exam week, year 11 students will complete the Headstart program. This will be a week of activities designed to prepare students for year 12 study, including introductions to next year’s coursework.
The year 12 valedictory dinner is set for Wednesday the 24th at the Golf Club. The last formal, in-person gathering of this year’s graduating students. Thank you, Mrs Julie Kelly and team, for organising this event.
Transition activities have started with the foundation information evening last week and tours starting. Now is the time to enrol and enrolment packs can be collected from the front office.
Finally, well done to our Movember team raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives. A special shout out to Mr Anthony Henderson and team. Access our teams page by using the following QR code.
Nathan Black
Acting Principal
Walk to School Competition
All school aged children that complete the survey, receives a complimentary family pool pass. You will also go into the draw to WIN 1 of 3 Scooters!!!Scan the QR code to complete the survey.
Remembrance day
Junior SRC members Grace Uebergang and Sze Qing Poh along with Ms Shanahan represented the College at the Robinvale Cenotaph, laying a wreath.
Welcome to New Staff
Andre McDonald
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, but travelled and lived all over the east coast USA. I went to college at the University of North Florida for psychology and worked as a counsellor for a short time. I've since come to Australia and have been in Melbourne for 10 years and just recently graduated from RMIT University with a Bachelor of Primary Education. Robinvale College will be my first school next year, in the meantime I'll be working as a Teacher Aide.
I'm trained to be able to teach F-6 and am a generalist primary teacher. Not sure which year level I'll be teaching , but I've done most my teaching with upper primary.
My first impressions of Robinvale was that it is beautiful. I was sold on the school after meeting some staff and have a conversation with the principal that confirmed my hopes on the school being focused on student well-being. After arriving it's been even better than I'd hoped for not only me, but my family as well.
Foundation Transistion
We have had special visitors from Kindergarten this week. Children transitioning into Foundation in 2022. They played in our Foundation classroom and our F-2 Playground to get to know their new environment and their new friends.
The VET Tradies classes returned recently on site and with lots to get done before end of year, it was a hive of activity. It’s great to see students back at school
SRC Chocolate Draw
The 10kg Cadbury block was drawn by the SRC today. Congratulations to winner Kayla Brown and thank you to all those who brought tickets. A big thank you to Andy and his team at Ritchies Robinvale for kindly donating the chocolate.
Information Session
Navigating Tricky Issues for Teens. Wednesday 17th November 2-3pm or 5-6pm at the Robinvale Learning & Community Hub.Please confirm your attendance to Laura Masasso: Wellbeing School Co-ordinator/Chaplain by text 0437559330 or email