The Grapevine Newsletter 18-08-2023
Newsletter week 6 Term 3
This week we welcomed another local person to our staff. This week Daryl Singh has begun working with the Learning Through Connection Program. Daryl has volunteered time to share his wisdom about Indigenous culture several times this year.
Pupil Free Day
There will be a Pupil Free Day on September 4th. The first part of the day will be used for collaborative work to prepare staff for 2024. The second half of the day staff participate in the Working on Within Training (WOW). A one-day Working on Within program is being offered to all Year 7-11 students on August 21. Then from August 24th a group of students will be attending weekly sessions focusing on respect & confidence, anger & persistence, culture & language, and leadership & self-reflection. The half day staff induction will ensure that staff can deliver elements of the WOW program on an ongoing basis.
A Big Thank you
Over the past two weeks the college has commenced a renewed effort to make sure that students are ready to learn by being on time, with all their learning gear and dressed for learning. This has meant reaching out to parents to offer support in whatever way the college can to enable 100% attendance and adherence to uniform expectations. Thanks to our parents and carers for their cooperation in getting our students to school on time every day in the right uniform. Our partnership will lead to a stronger student connection to school and school pride. Our students look amazing, and our higher expectations are translating to a more settled school environment.
Uniform bottoms
Just to clarify confusion around uniform bottoms. At the last College Council meeting it was agreed that uniform bottoms should be all black, no logos, no short shorts or see through leggings. The Uniform Policy is currently being updated to phase out grey bottoms, but this hasn’t happened yet. You child may still wear uniform bottoms for now. My apologies for the confusion.
Parent Opinion Survey
It’s that time of the year again. Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. We encourage all families to participate in this survey. Our college will use the survey results to inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
In my past schools, parents and carers have tended to respond only when they are unhappy with how schools are performing. Usually this is a small group because most parents/carers are satisfied with the school’s progress and those families don’t feel the need to respond. Unfortunately, this feedback then becomes the representative voice for all parents and carers. Please let the college know what is being done well as well as what can be improved. The surveys are being sent home this week. Please return the survey back to school as soon as possible and your survey will be de identified after your name is entered into the draw for a $100 IGA voucher.
Ms Nat Mouvet
Try planning a healthy lunch box school . Talk to your children and discuss what they would be happy to have included.
The six key parts to a healthy lunchbox include:
- Fruit - best choices include fresh or tinned fruit. Dried fruit is sticky and high in sugar, so have it occasionally.
- Vegetables - try fresh crunchy vegetable sticks with dip or a small container with mixed vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, capsicum and cucumber.
- Milk, yoghurt or cheese - you can use reduced-fat options for children over the age of 2 years. For children who cannot tolerate milk products, offer appropriate daily alternatives like calcium fortified soy or rice drink or soy yoghurt.
- Meat or meat alternative foods - try lean meat (like chicken strips), a hard-boiled egg or peanut butter. If your school has a nut-free policy, peanut butter and other nuts should not be included in your child’s lunchbox.
- Grain or cereal foods - like a bread roll, flat bread, fruit bread or some crackers (wholegrain or wholemeal options).
- Drinks - tap water is best.
Involve your children in healthy choices
Some tips to help get your kids involved include:
- Talk to your children about what they would like to have in their lunchbox. Discuss healthier food and drink choices and decide what will be in the lunchbox together.
- Write a shopping list together. Take your children shopping with you and let them choose foods and drinks from the shopping list.
- Encourage your children help prepare their lunchboxes. Older children may be able to prepare most of their lunch themselves, and younger children can help with making sandwiches or cutting up soft fruit. It is a good idea to prepare lunchboxes the evening before to allow children to participate.
In the spirit of Science Week, the Year 3/4 students designed and constructed insect traps to catch as many insects as possible. They will add items, such as apples or sugar, as a lure before putting the insect traps outside in a tree or the ground. The class will then discuss and evaluate the potential effectiveness of the traps
It was a mad dash for our 7-10 students who worked hard to complete their science fair projects. This week we will have our Science Fair display for students, staff, guardians and community to see. Come and check out the hard work our students have put into their projects.
Our F-2 students had a visit from Swan Hill Leading Senior Constable, Andrew Downe. The session focused on safety & when to ring 000, stranger danger, making good choices, the role of the police in the community and equipment carried by officers.
The students are enjoying the new soccer nets, Table tennis tables and the Scooter track and will soon have the new basketball courts
The Community Garden toilet project is another exciting addition coming to our garden. Thanks to Bates Development for your work so far.
The College Brass Band is participating in The Beat this week on Wednesday, 23rd of August in the 7pm performance.To purchase tickets, click the link:
Samuel Fangatua
I'm of Tongan decent and first generation Australian. My parents were born in Tonga and migrated to Australia in 1994.They arrived in Robinvale, the day before Christmas. Ever since than we've proudly called Robinvale home. I graduated from Robinvale P-12 College, now called Robinvale College in 2014. Straight after high school I went to university in Melbourne but unfortunately didn't complete my studies but planning to resume my studies next year in a Bachelor of Theology. I worked various jobs from retail to warehousing logistics in Melbourne and returned permanently to Robinvale at the start of the year and grateful to land a job at Robinvale College.
I work as an Education Support staff (Teacher's Aide) at Robinvale College. I work closely with the Year 9&10 Extension classes over a variety of subjects such as Maths, Science, English and Humanities. I really enjoy assisting and encouraging students to reach their full potential and collaborating with classroom teachers to create a positive and effective learning environment.
A lot had changed since I was in high school and quite obviously the infrastructure with a new head office and piazza area which looks amazing! But what stood out to me the most was the new pathways for the senior students, with the college offering VCE, VM, VPC which caters to the different learning abilities yet offering a wide and flexible array of career opportunities and pathways.