The Newsletter Friday 17th November 2023
Salami competition
Monday 20th November.
Staff and Students can enter their salami (supply at least 200grams of salami) to be left at the Front Admin office by 10:00am on Monday.
Special guest will be judging the salami.
Prizes will be awarded.
Staff Farewells
Thank you to Tianna
Last week we farewelled our student teacher Tianna Molloy. Tianna had a great relationship with the Foundation/ Year 1 class and will be missed by them and her supervising teachers, Celeste Hill, and Laura Buckley. We wish Tianna all the best and hope that she will return one day in a more permanent role.
We also farewelled Michael Barea (Mikey). Mikey was one of the first of the Irish relief teachers to join us this year. The students will have fond memories of him, particularly because he was a teacher who took time to get to know them as well as one who was able to teach them in a way that kept them all interested. Mikey was given a wonderful send off by our Year 7&8 students who serenaded him as part of a class party. Mikey and Paul Brennan are responsible for attracting the rest of the Irish Mafia. I am very grateful that he stayed and that he and Paul acted as our chief recruiters.
Valedictory Dinner
We had a lovely evening celebrating and farewelling our Year 12s. Thanks to Debbie Ford and Julie Kelly for coordinating the event. There was so much to love about the evening, the coming together of families and staff for the students was part of it. Our Year 12s were individually acknowledged for their achievements and for what THEY taught THEIR teachers this year. I want to acknowledge Julie for taking the time to order gorgeous flowers, which were then donated to the Robinvale Nursing Home and Robinvale Hostel. Thanks to the staff who joined us for the evening.
Clontarf Awards
Thanks to Ryan Sedgeman and Rex Handy for organising the end of year Clontarf Awards. Ioan Togo did a magnificent job of hosting the event. We are all very proud of our Clontarf boys who are demonstrating the values espoused by the organisation.
7-10 Exams
I want to acknowledge our Year 7-10 students who are completing their exams for Maths, English, Humanities and Science. Staff have been impressed by their maturity, application, and care. Well done to our students. We are all learning from this process together. We hope that their self-confidence and skills will prepare them for VCE, work related tests and completion professional development tasks as part of their work
Remembrance Day
Our School was represented at this year's Remembrance Service, by Klara and Reanne Hatt On Monday the school held an Remembrance Service at Assembley.
Upcoming Whole school events
There is a lot going on in the next few weeks, these events will take us to the end of the year.
Sadly, the rest of the Irish Relief teachers (8 teachers) will be leaving us at the end of week 8. By this time reports will have been close to completed. Losing 8 teachers means we can’t run a regular timetable. However, with every challenge comes an opportunity! The College has planned to take this opportunity and be creative with subject delivery for the rest of the year.
On our Pupil Free Day on Monday our staff started to map out educational activities that will be delivered in Weeks 9 and 10. These activities are primarily designed to develop the Deep Learning Competencies which are: Creativity, Communication, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Character, and Collaboration. Activities based on inquiry, STEM and team building will be offered. Although there will be an element of choice for some of the activities, every activity will be an authentic learning opportunity. All students should attend every day. Staff will learn a lot about what students are interested in and this will have an impact on the 2024 learning program. We will also be offering a Primary swimming program.
Other events that will be happening in coming weeks include the transition activities and days, the major one happening on the December 5th where all students will be trialling their new classes with their new classmates.
You are invited to join the $20 Boss Twilight Fair next Wednesday 22nd November, at 4:00pm here at the school and Achievement Night is on Monday December 18th at the Community Art Centre Theatre Room.
We have a Pupil Free Day scheduled for December 19th . This day will be used for professional learning and planning for 2024.
We hope that students will be at school every day except the Pupil Free Day.
Thanks again for your ongoing support.
Nat Mouvet
This year’s Valedictory Dinner was held at the Robinvale Golf Club on Friday 10th November. 22 students officially completed their 13 years of schooling, having over 100 family and friends join them in celebration of this huge achievement.
Our Graduates this year were:
Alani Ale, Kasey Camera, Rocco Chirchiglia, Pulonga Filimone, Christopher Fotukava, Sienna Gallace, Alannah Healy, Paris Hingano, Kuliah Kennedy, Kiko Lanumata, Kaylyn Latu Tongo, Kira Leslie, Jirra Lingwoodock, Cyrus Lloyd, Sione Mafi, Ainsley Mannix, Milly Mitchell, Aleah Peterson, Phoebe Smith, Massimo Tassone, Mele Tuifua and Gemma Zappia
Our talented librarian Wendy, has been busy creating another wonderful Remembrance Day display for the school. The poppies were created by using recycled plastic bottles. The display is located near the front of the administration pathway.
Year 9/10 Science students have been learning about motion, they have applied their learning into a ‘car crash project’.
We invite families, friends and the Robinvale community to our ‘$20 Boss Market’ evening. Students in Year 7-10 have been working on creating their own small businesses in groups and will be showcasing their businesses on Wednesday 22nd November from 4PM – 6PM in the Piazza on school grounds.Students will be setting up stalls in their groups and selling their products or services. Products could include selling, car washes, Tongan ‘island treats’, Tongan curries, carnival games for kids, baked goods, candles and sweet treats. Please save the date and come and support our young entrepreneurs.
We are seeking an expression of interest to any qualified swim teachers that are able to teach swimming to our primary students for Term 1, 2024. Could any interested people with the suitable qualifications, please contact the College on 50263704 to discuss.
For the first 5 weeks of term, the F/1 class were very lucky to have Tianna (Miss Molloy) join them for a placement, as part of her teaching degree. Miss Molloy quickly became a much-loved member of the F/1 family as well as of Robinvale College. Miss Molloy planned and delivered engaging lessons and implemented a whole-class reward system. F/1 students worked together to be respectful, responsible and resilient learners to collect 200 'Miss Molloy Tokens' which earned them a class party on Miss Molloy's last day. Woohoo!
We wish Miss Molloy all the very best with the rest of her studies and look forward to her coming back for a visit in the near future.
The Year 3/4s have had a lot of fun in Maths learning about three-dimensional shapes. In particular, prisms and pyramids, identifying the different types and how many faces, edges and vertices (corners) they have.
Well 2023 has been another incredible year for our academy. We have had countless highlights throughout the year, and we are looking forward to building on this in 2024. Personally, it has been a massive learning curve diving into working for the Clontarf Foundation and becoming part of the Robinvale community. It has been more rewarding than I ever thought it would be and working with these young men has truly been a Honor, they keep you on your toes, challenge you everyday but also give you so many laughs and highs throughout the year. (and grey hairs)
This year the Academy has operated with an average of 32 members and has been staffed by myself and my trusty offsider Rex Handy, our Operations Officer who stepped in half way through the year and has done a tremendous job.
Some of the highlights of the year have been.
Clontarf Family BBQs, Good Bunch Lunches,, Swan Hill Murray Cup Trips, Senior Employment forums, Year 10 to 12 Employment week camp Melbourne, Robinvale Police Station Employment visit, Parks Victoria Workplace employment visits, Date night activities in Mildura, afterschool fishing trips, learning through connections program activities, MVAC elders lunches and assisting in cooking for the elders, Elders fishing yarning circles, State of Origin football camps in Melbourne, Korrie Big days outs and the Year 10 to 12 Major trip to Perth that is happening next week.
I would also like to acknowledge Jirra Lingwoodock who has gone through the year 12 program we have been incredible proud of Jirra’s resilience throughout the year, and we wish him well in his future endeavors.
Just in closing I would like to thank everyone for coming to our awards night, school staff, Clontarf partners, parents, and community members it’s really powerful to see so many people turn out to support the boys.
2023 Award Winners
Senior Clontarf Spirit award ~Ioan Togo Junior Clontarf Spirit award~ Harry Pettit
High Attendance Award ~Eli Kirby and Corey Valinoti-Marks Employment award ~Wade Best
Leadership Award ~Amos Urquhart-Singh Education Award~ Reuben Manu
Health and Well Being award~ Simione Masila-Liutolo Most Improved~ Diondre Samupo-Teohaere
Ryan Sedgmen
Robinvale Clontarf Academy
The VETDSS Excellence Awards were held in Mildura on Wednesday evening. Congratulations to our finalist Salote Fangatua - Salote is currently in Year 11 and has completed her first year of VET Community Service and Bethany McGinnes – Bethany is currently in Year 10 and has completed her first year of Electrotechnology. Salote and Bethany were supported on night with their parents, Julie Kelly (VET Coordinator) and Nat Mouvet (College Principal).
As part of the School 2 Work Program, Robinvale College VCE VM students had an incredible day exploring their future careers with industry experts at Mildura Health Private Hospital and Australian Vintage Ltd - Buronga Hill Winery
Visit 1: Mildura Health Private Hospital
Focus: Career Pathways in Health (including nursing and medical professions) & Allied Health
Shayne Shiner (MHPH, Education Officer) provided a detailed presentation on career pathways in Health and Allied Health occupations with the hospital and encouraged students to consider a career path whether that can be through Australian Apprenticeships or university degrees.
Students toured the hospital, including admin areas, commercial kitchen, maintenance department, hospital supplies area, professional suite, surgery, and day surgery ward as well as the modern hospital facilities that have been newly constructed.
Students were provided with a takeaway MHPH bag with some workplace-based information on the hospital and Health Industry.
Visit 2: Australian Vintage Ltd - Buronga Hill Winery
Focus: Career Pathways in the Winery Operations including Laboratory, Management, Administration, and Asset Maintenance
Steve Morrell (Cellar Resources Coordinator) and Craig Cavanah (Cellar Trainer and Assessor) winery operations presentation and induction before the winery tour.
The presentation provided a summary of Winery Operations including wine processing, maintenance processes and product marketing, and environmental sustainability practices, whilst providing work placed based information and employment structure overview including entry-level occupations and career pathways.
Guided tours of the facility included grape crushing, storage areas, and wine tank observation. Students observed grape delivery, crushing, storage, and application of quality control prior to packaging and market delivery. Students were able to take a tour above the wine tanks to view the winery.
Q&A sessions at the end of each visit.
Thank you, Mildura Health Private Hospital and Shyane and Australian Vintage Ltd - Buronga Hill Winery- Carla, Steve, Craig, and Ken for making this day possible!
Northern Mallee LLEN and Robinvale College appreciate your collaboration.
The best young indigenous players from Clontarf Academies across the country represent their state at the Clontarf state of Origin Match. Wade was very excited and enjoyed playing for Victoria.
Another successful graduate from our L2P Program, Kasey Camera obtained her Probationary Licence this week. Congratulations Kasey, remember if you have your Learners permit, you too can be a part of the L2P Program by contacting Julie Kelly in the 10-12 Building.